Get My Thought On Television and "Hollyweird"

Get My Thought On Television and "Hollyweird"

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Is The Day of the Soap Opera Coming to an End?

I have watched Soaps most of my life and am a bit taken back how they are just being tossed into the trash lately. From Guiding Light to One Life to Live, soaps are being canceled left and right and being raplace by talk shows and game shows (which I think we already have plenty of). Some of these shows have been on from 1965 and even earlier.

I am watching Days of our Lives these days and I am really enjoying what they are producing these days. I honestly believe that the viewers started leaving the soaps back when the OJ Simpson trial was televised in place of them.

So here is what I am hoping, and that is that people who enjoy good sappy drama will come back to daytime and support the hardest working actors in the business. I'm watching, are you?

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Jerry Springer

This won't be a very popular post, as I think there is a special place in hell for Jerry Springer. I think he is a man of no morals or decent values. Even if you would like to step aside from his , well no better word comes to mind then, stupid show (that in my humble opinion is scripted) then how about his brilliance in paying for hookers with a check when he was mayor of Cincinnati Ohio?

Not to mention that he is a left wing loon that believes Obama is doing a good job with the country (If you think tearing down a country and imposing your socialitic views, then maybe he is (that was sarcasm folks)).

Anyway friends, I won't be spending a lot of time on political views, that perhaps is for another blog somewhere down the road.

What do you think?

Thursday, January 12, 2012


I am kind of strange when it comes to finding new shows to watch, the strange thing lies in the fact that I normally find the best shows after they have come to an end and into syndication. One of these shows happen to be Frasier, a hilarious spin off of the show Cheers.

Kelsey Grammer had actually played this same role in both shows and this went on for 20 years! I don't think anyone will ever be able to say they did that and kept people entertained the whole time. I still manage to watch this show, actually I watch it twice a day once in the morning and then once at night before bed.

Are you like me and wait til the last minute to check out shows? Check out Frasier.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Once Upon A Time

I have to tell you friends, that I am totally impressed by the scifi series "Once Upon A Time" (8:00pm et Sundays). This show is exactly what I am talking about that is needed when I mention the lack of creativity from series creators and writers these days.

I will be honest, I was weary when it came to watching the first episode, but my wife and I sat down and made ourselves watch it and now, well, we are so hooked that we can hardly wait until the next Sunday. I'm not sure how a show like this can continue since there has to be an ending at some point, since it is written just like a bedtime story (a very dark bedtime story, but a bedtime story none the less) but I am willing to take this ride in order to find out just where it will lead me.

Now friends, just because the characters are from fairy tales don't think this show is for kids, this is a grown ups program that you will be surte to enjoy.

We Need To Return To The Golden Days Of Television

I have to tell you friends, and I am being as honest as can be right now, reality tv is ruining television. First of all, if you actually believe "Reality tv" is real, well you are a bit dilusional. The face of the matter is, is that "reality tv" is quite scripted and quite stupid. Where are the days of the sitcom? Where are the days of the family drama? where are the..well, I could go on and on, but you get my point.

There is very little on television that makes it worth turning the set on for. I have found a few series that I do enjoy (and actually one or two of those "reality" shows as well) but these days I would rather turn on TVLand and the such in order to watch reruns that I love.

Where are the creative people these days? Look back friends at what we used to have; shows like, The Andy Griffith Show, M*A*S*H, All in the Family, Everybody Loves Raymond, and Friends, only to name a few. What do we have these days? Shows like Jersey Shore, Teen Moms,The Bachelor, and I could go on and on but I won't.

So what I plan to do for my next few posts are to highlight some of the few new television shows that you should be watching, and perhaps you could point me in the direction of what you call entertainment and we can compare notes, who knows we may find some common ground.

Whose Line Is It Anyway?

Ok friends, I was going to start this blog with something that is kind of up to date on television, but I have something on my mind and I would like to let it out.

ABC Family has been showing "Whose Line Is It Anyway" on the weekday nights (12:00 am) for quite some time now and it has been something that alot of us fans look forward to. I'm not sure exactly why no other cable channel has picked it up as it is one of the funniest and creative shows on television.

But putting that aside, the powers that be on ABC Family (and I'm not sure why they still call themselves family, as some of their programming doesn't exactly reflect the moniker) has decided to take "Whose Line" off the air (not sure for how long) and replace it with reruns of their original programming and "The Fresh Prince of Bel Aire".

Now I know that they probably know better then I what the ratings reflect, but I have also noticed websites boycotting the station until "Whose Line" is brought back. My thought is, if the show is not doing as well as they want in the time slot where they placed it, then why not try it in a different time slot?

If you've never seen "Whose Line" then you might check them out on youtube, you won't be disappointed.